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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas

One of the most popular type of tattoo tiger tattoo today. They essentially represent power, but also can have other meanings. For the Japanese samurai, the tiger was used as a character. If you are thinking about obtaining a tiger tattoo, you should know that it is usually determined on a fairly large size. Most chose the place for it is the biceps, because the primary importance is power.

When people think about the Tigers, the first things that come to mind are the strength and courage, but there are other things they represent. Beauty, pride, passion and sensuality, are just some of the many symbols of the tiger might suggest. Unfortunate decline in the tigers only have even more popular amongst tattoo enthusiasts. Tigers are one of the endangered species, and there are plenty of people who fight for their protection. There are fewer than five thousand tigers in Asia and the fear that at some point may disappear completely from the surface, which would be incredibly sad reality.

Usually the colors used for tiger tattoos are black, gold and yellow. However, you can find patterns that are much more complex and use other colors too, but remember that tattoos are more difficult it will get more expensive. So the best way to proceed is to get the design that you like, print it and show it to the tattoo artist. If the design is complicated, you should also do your research on the artist. I sure would not want a tattoo go differently than you expected.

So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.

The Foot Tattoo and Its Popularity

There are great differences among tattoos in today's world, which is why they represent a great way by which to express your individuality. You are in control of deciding what kind of tattoo you want and where on your body you want to display it. This means that what may be the best one for you, may not suit other people at all. But don't despair if you are still not entirely certain just what part of your body you want to have a tattoo on. You may consider a foot tattoo. These kinds of tattoos are very popular these days.

Here are some things to consider:

Tattoo sessions on the foot tend to be more painful, as a rule. The reason is due to the fact that the skin is close to the bone. And the closer the bone is to the skin, the more painful a tattoo will be. Tattoos on the foot, though, will be smaller, so you won't have to put up with the pain for long.

Foot tattoos are also more easily concealed than any other kinds. If you hope to have a professional job some day, concealment might come in handy, since in professional jobs tattoos are usually not in. So your ability to conceal a foot tattoo is a good thing.

But you should be aware of the fact that during the healing process you can't enclose your tattooed foot in a shoe, so open shoes are in order. The healing time for a tattoo is usually 2 to 3 weeks. If you can't avoid wearing shoes, then keep in mind that you must have 2 pairs of light socks on.

Did you know that a foot tattoo is considered sexy? There are many opinions about the types of tattoos that look good on people. The thing about foot tattoos is that even people who don't as a rule like tattoos, seem to like them on the foot.

Foot tattoos are likely to need touching up from time to time. The reason for this is due to extra exposure to conditions less favorable than on other parts of your body. A foot tattoo may also spread and end up looking blurry.

Star designs or words or even flowers are popular foot tattoos. But there is no reason why you can't engage your tattoo artist to help you create something really different. If you do want a larger and more complex tattoo than those in the ordinary runs of the mill, keep in mind that these will be more painful and more expensive, too.

Tribal Tattoo Designs For The Foot, Shoulder And Back

There seems to be an explosion in the popularity of tribal tattoos. Specifically, shoulder and back tribal pieces. Everywhere you look, from celebrity to Average Joe, someone has got a beautiful, striking tribal tattoo on their shoulder. Or they have the the tribal tattoo that goes from one shoulder, across the back, and down the other shoulder. Why are they fast becoming the most popular tattoo? How do you choose the best tribal tattoo design for you? Do a little research. Check out tribal tattoo designs in your culture or heritage. You are sure to get tons of ideas. I did a little research on tribal tattoos, and I now have a few theories as to the popularity surge. Probably the most important of all of these theories is that tribal shoulder tattoos look so cool!

Tribal tattoos were used in different cultures to delineate between the tribes. They were also used to distinguish between classes or rank within the tribe. Everyone in the tribe had some form of the tattoo. In most cultures, the tattoos were given in a ceremonial way, to celebrate the passage from childhood to adulthood.

It is widely believed that the Polynesian culture brought us our most popular tribal tattoos. The Samoans, the Maori, the Hawaiians. The most detailed of these are the Maori. These tattoos are intricate and curvilinear in nature. They are based on the spiral which give them such powerful movement within the design. The design begins in the center and radiates out, forming beautiful curves that are filled with pattern. The tribal tattoos were carved into the skin and rubbed with ash. Maori tattoos were placed on the face, back, chest, and arms. The more important you were, the more tattooing you had.

The traditional Samoan tattoo consists of very detailed geometric patterns. Traditionally, they cover a man from his waist to his knees. Woman have the same tattooing, but it is not as detailed or dense. A more modern Hawaiian Tattoo is the shoulder tattoo. Images are rich with geometric design.

The Celts and Danes tattooed their family crest on themselves. The ancient Egyptians tattooed themselves as a form of adornment.

In Japan, woman that were of age and getting married were tattooed. If a woman was not properly tattooed, she was thought to have committed a sin and was sentenced to death. (Yikes!)

The Christians tattooed Jesus Fish on themselves. The Native American Indians tattooed animals and images that linked them to a tribe. The ancient Mexico, the Aztecs tattooed images of their slain enemies.

So, each culture seems to have some form of tattooing in their ancient history. Does our love affair with tribal tattoos have roots in our wanting to belong? Is it pride in our heritage? Is it our personal passage into adulthood? I think it is all of the above. A little bit of heritage, a little culture, a feeling of inclusion. There is nothing like a powerful, beautiful shoulder tattoo that is meaningful to you.

Whatever your reason, tribal tattoos are really intricate in nature, and powerful in design. Find the right one and you will be happy with it forever. Don't spend enough time looking and tweaking the design, and you will be very unhappy. Tribal tattoos are generally large and most have a lot of black. Difficult to cover over, and difficult to remove. Think hard, do your research, find an excellent tattoo artist, and you will be all set. Peace always.

Hot Modern Hairstyles Trends for 2010

Modern Hairstyle Trends presents Hot Modern Hairstyles Trends for 2010

Here are several modern hairstyles worn by celebrities in 2010 and some of the best modern hairstyles like the bob style is the trendiest.Here is the modern fashion trendy hairstyles for women and celebrities come out with the latest hairstyles and once they do it, these hairstyles become popular over the media.Modern latest hairstyles are also for curly or wavy hair witch is very trendy in summer 2010. Here are some photos with the latest hot Modern Hairstyles Trends for 2010:

 Hot Modern Hairstyles Trends for 2010
 Hot Modern Hairstyles Trends for 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

These tattoos are PERMANENTLY awful | Horikyo Tattoo Design

This past weekend, I was in lovely New Orleans, LA for a wedding. During the many hurricanes, mint juleps, and "3 for 1" beverages, the topic of tattoos came up, with two of my sister-in-laws considering getting one while they were there. I have nothing against tattoos--the right hidden pic or meaningful phrase can be a source of pride and add character. There's just nothing I can think of that I would want to have permanently inked onto my body (other than, of course, John Stamos clinging to the back of a giant panda, or Reginald Vel Johnson flipping off the Statue of Liberty). I've heard many horror stories of some tattoo mistakes friends have made, but none can be as bad as the tattoos I've collected and commented on below. Take a look, but be forewarned: SOME ARE ADULT IN NATURE!

So...their offspring would be purple right? Purple, mythical, and horny.

Well, they got the comedy right...but the rest is a real "tradgey."

"No no no! I said I fucking love vegetables, not vegetables fu--nevermind. *sigh*"

"What do you mean Tower Records doesn't exist anymore? Where am I going to work?"

Hi ho, hi ho, don't wanna see this no mo'...

Hey baby, I hear tattoos a'callin.' Tossed salad and scrambled eggs!

"Get these mutha' fuckin' snakes off my mutha' fuckin' plain...ol' arm!"

I support the format, too, but...I guess it's not as mortifying as the BetaMax tat on his forehead.

Hours upon hours were spent on this design. Elegant, yet simple. A tattoo triumph. Dick Butt, indeed, kind sir...Dick Butt indeed.

"I mean, I really, really love Dolphins. And marijuana. Those are, like, my two passions in life. Porpoises and Pot. Do you have anything in your book that encompasses both of--oh shit, you do!"


Worst tattoo ever, or BEST TATTOO IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD? I'll let you be the judge. (I hope this isn't how I now remember Patrick Swayze...I love the guy!)

Not cool be confused with Vanilla Ice, who is cool AS ice, not Mr. Cool Ice. I like the "aww shucks" expression of the skeleton.

For all true HulkamaniBACKS.

This one is pretty famous...an epic, epic tattoo art failure. When beauty becomes beast...

Upside: For your armpit, EVERY week is Shark Week!

I'm shakin' for a little Cl'aiken! If I were invisible...I'd be a much better tattoo!

The worst tattoo mistakes | Horikyo Tattoo Design

1-Do not tattoo someones name or portrait

It may feel like the person will always be in your heart and deserves to get that special attention. Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest and most common mistakes. The reason is...no matter how you feel, how in love you are right now, you may not last forever. You do not want an ex's name on you forever, especially when you find someone new. But there is an exception : this may be a good idea if you are considering the name or face of your child or parents.

See also : Gwyneth Paltrow expresses love for Chris Martin with a ‘C’ tattoo!

2- Do not get a cheap and nasty tattoo
As Kat Von D from the hit TV show LA Ink says:
"Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. Far too many times, people choose an artist based on price. That should be the last priority on your list when it comes to getting a tattoo." (Source

3- Never agree to get a tattoo when you're in the wrong state of mind
If you're drunk, depressed or under pressure, don't get a tattoo done. You know it's a whim when you find yourself in a tattoo studio and you hadn't even considered getting a tattoo the night before! It's good to be spontaneous, but not with something that will last you the rest of your life. Source

4- Choose the right design

Choosing the right design is absolutely vital to the amount of pleasure you get from your tattoo. Do not compromise on what you want. The final choice of tattoo design must be yours. After all, you're the one who'll have to live with it. Source

5- Finally, the tattoo and aftercare

On the day your tattoo is created, a better overall affect will be achieved if you are well slept and well fed. If you are tense, full of stress or restless, it will take longer and the tattoo won't be as perfect. Once completed, most tattoos will take up to a month to heal properly. During the whole healing process, follow the aftercare recommendations of your tattoo artist. Source

Japanese Snake Tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design

Snake Tattoo,  japanese Tattoo
Snake Tattoo,  japanese Tattoo
Snake Tattoo,  japanese Tattoo

Japanese Snake Tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design

In Loving Memory Tattoo Options

An excellent idea for a tattoo is "in loving memory" tattoos. It's also an excellent reason to get a tattoo. Saluting, symbolizing, and forever remembering someone who was important to you.

There are different options for getting a in loving memory tattoo. Here are some to consider:

1. Banner and Lettering.

Keep in mind that there are different design ideas available for your lettering and your banner. Cursive style lettering is very popular for in loving memory tattoos. The standard banner design is also hugely popular. But a banner design isn't required, and you have several different font options for your lettering.

Look at all the different options. Is there a certain font style that you feel connects more with person you are inking tribute to? Would a banner work better for the accompanying design?

2. Personal designs.

Think of any designs, photos, objects, or anything personal about the person you can use as a design to accompany the lettering. This could be tricky translating it over onto a tattoo design, but it likely can be done in one way or another, or at least certain aspects of a photo or object can be workable.

Options for personal designs could be anything from a favorite hat or article of clothing the individual would wear to an actual photo of the person himself.

3. Symbol Designs.

These are the most common, and sometimes the most powerful design options. You have many design choices to choose from. You want to find a tattoo design that you feel speaks to or symbolizes the person you are remembering. You can choose tattoos which symbolize strength, beauty, solidarity, or many other attributes you feel relate to the person.

A common in loving memory tattoo to get is the heart tattoo. This simply expresses your love for that person, and that they'll always remain close to your heart. You can find a vast array of different styles of heart tattoos to choose from.

Tattoo Designs & Your First Tattoo - What's Right For You, What to Avoid

Tattoo DesignsThere are so many different options when choosing a tattoo design, it's often overwhelming at first. You know you're ready to get your first tattoo. Fortunately for the current younger generations, getting a tattoo isn't as taboo as it used to be. You no longer have people staring at you like you're an old sailor or are fresh out of prison. In fact, tattoos have become quite socially acceptable - after all, all your friends have them, models have them, movie stars have them, rock stars have them.

Tattoos are a great way of self expression, but how do you stand out from everyone else's "I love Sheila" or "I heart Mom" tattoos? There's nothing better than a unique design, but a design that is still very meaningful to you, even though it might not be totally unique can be perfect. Why is it so important to have a unique design? Well, other than the fact that you'll have the ink permanently (important to remember at all times before deciding to get a tattoo - laser removal isn't perfect yet) it's always great to have a unique story.

Here's an example - a friend of this author got one of those copy-and-paste "tribal" tattoos. He's pretty popular with the ladies, and the first thing they always ask is, "Oh wow, this is really neat, what does it mean?" So he has to sit there and explain that it doesn't really mean anything, he just thought it looked neat. Not very smooth.

A different friend has an amazing sleeve (two, actually), all the images intertwined and coalescing in a very artistic way. They were custom drawings, drawings from his favorite artists, and so on - whenever a person asks him why he got the tattoos or what the designs mean, he has great stories to tell.

So there's the difference between your run of the mill tattoo design, and a tattoo design that has plenty of meaning behind it. You've got that part down, so what should you avoid?

Well, unless you actually know a person that speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, or any other Asian language and can confirm the character you're having stamped on your butt doesn't say "more ketchup please," the best advice is to just avoid that style of tattoo all together. In this author's opinion, it's no longer unique, it's very played out.

Don't be afraid when getting "inked" for the first time. It's not quite as painful as you might have heard. Some people even enjoy the experience. Just make sure it's not one that you'll regret - you'll have that tattoo design for quite a long while.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Knuckle Tattoos

Knuckle tattoos aren't exactly the most common location to get a tattoo, however many tattoo fanatics find the knuckles to be the perfect place for a four letter word tattoo.

Here we have a list of some famous people with knuckle tattoos gracing their hands.

Also checkout these hand tattoos.

Robbie Williams love knuckle tattoo.
Ozzy Osbourne "Ozzy" knuckle tattoo.
Josh Homme has "Cap" and "Cam" tattooed on his knuckles.
Tim Armstrong PUNX knuckle tattoo.
Benji Madden has "Made Man" tattooed on his knuckles.
Carey Hart knuckle tattoos.

Sexy Tattoo Designs For Girls - The Best Foot and Sleeve Tattoos

There are so many great tattoo designs for girls these days it is really amazing. In fact there are so many great looking tattoo designs for girls these days that it can be hard to narrow down the choices and find something that works for you. Two of the most currently popular trends for tattoo designs for women are tattoos for foot and sleeve tattoo designs. If you are looking for a tattoo design for either of these super sexy locations here are some great ideas.

Tattoos For Foot

Of course the foot is a small area or canvas to work from so if you are truly considering getting a foot tattoo you should try and find a design that can be small and not too intricate. If the design is too intricate it will late fade and blur.

Star Foot Tattoo - One of the most popular options these days are the star foot tattoo. The stars have always fascinated people and human throughout our short time here on earth. There are so many mysteries behind stars that they can make a great and highly symbolic tattoo.

Flower Foot Tattoo - Anther great option is to get a flower foot tattoo design hat you like. There are so many different possibilities with a flower tattoo design. One should start by deciding what is important in their life that holds meaning and significance for them. Then they can locate a great looking flower that symbolizes those things.

Sleeve Tattoo Designs

Sleeve tattoo designs can be done as a full sleeve going from wrist to shoulder. A half sleeve ranging from elbow to should and a quarter sleeve tattoo which is typically just done around the shoulder and upper part of the arm. More and more women are choosing to get sleeve tattoos or what is called getting sleeved. Here are some of the more popular ideas and tattoo design styles for feminine sleeve tattoo design.

Koi Fish Sleeve Design - The koi fish is obviously a very traditional and Japanese tattoo design that used to be done very large in full body tattoo suits worn by the Yakuza. However, today many women are getting this traditional tattoo with the beautiful new colored inks available these days.

Floral Sleeve Designs - Another popular option for women is a floral tattoo. This could be anything from a gothic looking vampire flower or a lotus flower symbolizing a journey and transformation typically religious but these days just a great classic tattoo design.

Sexy Tattoo Ideas

When a female has decided to get a tattoo coping with the pain is the easy part, picking a design that will speak to her soul but also make her feel sexy is the real trick. Many woman have no idea what to get a tattoo of much less how getting the right tattoo design will positively effect there self esteem.

A classic tattoo idea is to tattoo tribal or flower designs along the lower back. Always a feminine spot to get a tattoo the lower back is probably the sexiest place a woman can get work done. Unlike other parts of the body where the subject matter must be considered,most tattoo designs no matter what the subject matter will look cute and girlish on the lower back.

A small symbol looks quite sexy peeking from the nape of a female's neck. A big part of the draw of female tattoos is only seeing part of the tattoo adding to the mystery of the design. This is exactly the case with neck tattoos. Chinese symbols often work well on the neck as do small religious symbols or a loved one's initials.

A more recent trend with female tattooing that proves to be quit sexy is tattooing the rib cage. Often you will find a small framed large breasted young lady with a large tattoo peeking from behind her bra strap under her arm. The mystery of the tattoo is truly the sexiest part and the allure of the design under the bra is intoxicating.

Modern Hair Style Trend and Pictures 2010

Modern Hairstyle Trends presents Modern Hair Style Trend and Pictures 2010

Here are some modern long and medium hairstyles for women with standard waves aside and a curlier look that add sex appeal. You can achieve this look as well, and this time you will want to go with rollers overnight.Look at these modern long and medium hairstyles for women pics in 2010:

 Modern Hair Style Trend and Pictures 2010
 Modern Hair Style Trend and Pictures 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Horiyoshi Tattoo Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design

horiyoshi tattoo, tattoo designHoriyoshi Tattoo Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design

The Japanese tattoo has a worldwide reputation for their artistic and features an integrated design and sophistication of the techniques of drawing. Tradicionalmente se hacía a mano utilizando una estaca de madera, la cual llevaba amarrada en la punta, más de una docena de agujas. Traditionally done by hand using a wooden stake, which was moored at the end, more than a dozen needles. Mientras se estiraba la piel con una mano se golpeteaba rítmicamente el área a tatuar con la otra, este estilo de tatuaje es conocido como tebori. While stretching the skin with one hand rhythmically banging tattooing area with the other, this style of tattoo is known as tebori.
Horiyoshi III,nació en el año de 1946, en Shimada (Shizuoka) y es considerado uno de los maestros de este arte japonés , fue tatuado a los 21 años por Horiyoshi II en su estudio ubicado en la ciudad de Yokohama. Horiyoshi III, was born in 1946, Shimada (Shizuoka) and is considered one of the masters of Japanese art, was tattooed at age 21 by Horiyoshi II in his studio located in the city of Yokohama.
En 1971 se convirtió en el discípulo de Horiyoshi II y posteriormente fue su sucesor (1979). In 1971 he became the disciple of Horiyoshi II and later his successor (1979).
Actualmente el trabaja en su estudio de Yokohama, en donde ha abierto un museo del tatuaje en el que se pueden conocer la historia y costumbres del tatuaje en la cultura japonesa. Currently working in his studio in Yokohama, where he opened a tattoo museum in which you can discover the history and customs of tattoos in Japanese culture.

famous tattoo artists | Horikyo Tattoo Design

famous tattoo, artists tattoofamous tattoo artists | Horikyo Tattoo Design

Paul Booth was born in Boonton New Jersey and is one of the painters of the world's most famous tattoo artists, style, dark and morbid qualities of the gray scale tattoos are readily apparent. Sus amigos lo llaman “Master of darkness”. His friends call him "Master of Darkness." Es autodidacta en su estilo de dibujo y pintura. It is self-taught in painting and drawing style. Es uno de los pioneros del Gotik Art y del tatuaje Satánico y oscuro que el ha concebido a trabes de lecturas de los clásicos de la novela de terror. It is one of the pioneers of Art and Tattoo Gotik dark Satanic has conceived the girders of readings of classic horror novel. De el Shawn Barber dice que es el hombre que tatuó al Diablo. In the Shawn Barber says he is the man who tattooed the Devil.
Gracias a Booth el tatuaje ha pasado de ser algo marginal a ser un arte reconocido como tal. Thanks to Booth tattooing has gone from being a marginal to be recognized as an art. Su estudio de Nueva York se llama The Last Ritos Tattoo y entre sus clientes están sobre todo gente del mundo del Metal y el Rock como Phil Anselmo de Pantera, los componentes del grupo Slipknot o su amigo Ozzy Osbourne. His study of New York is called The Last Rites Tattoo and its customers are mostly people in the world of Rock and Metal and Phil Anselmo of Pantera, Slipknot members of the group or your friend Ozzy Osbourne.

Burlesque and Tattoos Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design

Tattoos DesignBurlesque and Tattoos Design | Horikyo Tattoo Design

The burlesque, with roots in commedia dell'arte, was changing shape from the Victorian era, which was a musical parody. Ya en el siglo XX, en los music halls de Estados Unidos, se conformó el género que ha llegado a nuestros días: una mezcla de cabaré y vodevil, con música, magia, contorsionismo y un strip-tease final. Already in the twentieth century, music halls in the United States, was formed genre that has come down to us: a mix of cabaret and vaudeville, with music, magic, contortion and striptease final. Todo con una pátina de humor picante. All with a veneer of spicy humor. En los noventa surgió el neo burlesque, pero hasta que Dita von Teese se paseó del brazo de Marilyn Manson por el mundo, el género no saltó del underground al gran público. In the nineties came the neo burlesque, but until Dita von Teese walked arm in arm with Marilyn Manson in the world, gender did not jump the underground to the public.

La Dita española se llama Vinila von Bismark y es la estrella de la noche. The Spanish called Vinila Dita von Bismarck and is the star of the night. "En Madrid hay garitos que incluyen actuaciones con inspiración burlesque, pero nadie hace estas galas tan completas, con un concepto detrás, maestro de ceremonias y todo", dice la lideresa de Krakovia. "In Madrid there are gambling that include burlesque-inspired performances, but nobody does these galas as complete, with a concept behind, master of ceremonies and everything," says the leader of Krakow. Antes de salir a escena, Mambo Tabú, en quimono y con labios de purpurina roja, la presenta con un monólogo grandilocuente: "Esta es la fiesta del poderío de la carne, aquí huele a látex, a fetichismo, a humo... Os vamos a hacer viajar en el tiempo". Before going on stage, Mambo Tabu in kimono with red glitter lips, presents a grand monologue: "This is the celebration of the power of the flesh, this smells like latex, fetish, smoke ... I we do travel in time. "